3 ways to mattify your sunscreens

The quest for the perfect sunscreens is a difficult one especially if you want a mat finish. High protection rimes with greasiness but I have solutions to help you. These methods are intended to make very high protection works for you when you need it.

Try those tips once the sunscreen has set so around 15 minutes. Remember that you need 1/4 of a teaspoon for your face only of sunscreen.  For the demonstration check my video.

1: Use a powder. Don’t swipe the powder but dab it to not disturb the foundation. 

2:  Use a mat foundation. This tip is great if you want to correct a white cast and have a nice finish. Like for the powder don’t rub or stipple the foundation. Use a sponge or cushion puff to apply the foundation. 

3: Use a mat sunscreen! This method is one of my recent discoveries. Once the high protection sunscreen has set dab on mat sunscreens. Depending on the formula of the mat sunscreen apply a little or a lot. Watch my video to have my recommendations.  

In my video, I will demonstrate and share more tips and variations on how to use those methods 

Thank you for your time. 


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