My PM skincare routine – Spring 2019

My morning skincare routine is all about shielding the skin from the harmful environment. At night, I like to introduce actives. Before keep on reading this article I invite you to read my post on how to build a skincare routine (here) and check my AM Skincare routine (here). In this post, I will discuss the choice of my actives to know how I apply my products, watch my video at the end of the article. 

All skincare routine should be constructed on a weekly period. My PM skincare routine is focused on slowing down the process of aging. In the morning I use vitamin C, an anti inflammatory serum and if course sunscreen. In the PM I like to add retinol, AHA (here to know more) and again vitamin C. I like to embed all those delicious actives in moisturizers. 

My retinol routine

There are many ways of using retinoid and it all depends on age and skin issues. I don’t use my retinol to correct any skin issue but to maintain my skin in a healthy mode which is why I like to use retinol twice a week. It is very important that you fix 2 days. My retinol days are every Wednesday and Sunday evening. 

My exfoliation routine 

I use retinol in my routine and therefore I don’t need a potent exfoliant. I like to use glycolic acid at 5% once a week. 

My antioxidants 

There are plenty of antioxidants in the market but are they effective topically? And the answer is we don’t really know. This being said vitamin C and retinol are likely the best available. There are plenty of derivatives of vitamin C. With some data that can confirm their efficiency on the skin. So rather than choosing one I like to use several. I use my vitamin C derivatives Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Basically, when I don’t use my retinol. 

If you want to know my full routine watch my video. 

Thank you for your time. 

A bientôt, 


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